Tag Archives: inspriation

John Hancock Honors Team Hoyt with Boston Marathon Statue

TeamHoytStatueI know that for some, this is old news (April 2013), but this was the first time I’ve seen the completed statue.

YouTube: John Hancock Honors Team Hoyt with Boston Marathon Statue

Rick and Dick Hoyt (Team Hoyt) have been an inspiration to many and in particular, to Amanda and myself.  We’ve had the pleasure to qualify and start the Boston Marathon with Team Hoyt four times over the years.  I was inspired to train, push myself and qualify both of us so I could share the Boston experience with Amanda.

It’s surprising to me that according to Snopes, Team Rocket was only the second wheelchair team to complete the distance in Boston. I would have thought that there were more people crazy enough to qualify pushing a wheelchair.

Bad Races Are Best

What’s so memorable about running the perfect race? Sure you might set a personal best, but let’s face it, while you may have pulled off the best race of your life, it was pretty boring. You run at your aim pace or maybe a little better, you focus on your goal, focus on your form and execute. When the going gets tough you reach deep and keep going. You write the time on your bib or in your run journal and that’s it. Other than a celebratory meal or refreshment after, what’s to remember about that run? Nothing. It was boring, it went exactly as planned. Unless you are one of the front runners, your race was successful, but there is no gripping story to tell. The perfect race is a perfect bore.

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Change Comes Bearing Gifts

Things you think are predicable can change so quickly. One minute you are cruising along, swallowed by the moment, seemingly in tune with your life and the universe, then your world completely changes in the blink of an eye. Things that seemed important seconds before become inconsequential and meaningless.


We had the whole summer laid out. Races were planned, travel arrangements made, Guide camp for Lauren and hospicing for Amanda setup, separate camping trips with my daughter and wife booked. A fall marathon with Amanda is all confirmed and paid for, only the training needing to be done. Life unfolds as planned.


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