Around The Bay 2020 Training Schedule

This schedule is based on the Hal Higdon marathon schedule, converted to metric and cut down to Around The Bay 30 km size.

Unlike the marathon schedule, I only allow for a two week taper.  In the last two weeks do not exceed the distance recommended. In fact you could cut the total distance by up to 30% and still be fine on race day. Better to be over rested on race week than over trained. The two weeks recovery period is crucial to optimal race day performance.

You will notice that this schedule is focused on the Long Slow Distance runs (LSD).  The LSD is to be considered your hard work out day for the week.  There are no tempo or track workouts listed on this schedule and you’ll get more than enough hill work just doing the weekly scheduled run.  If you wish, you can substitute one of the easy run days earlier in the week (Tuesday or Wednesday) for a speed or tempo work session.  However, only do one alternate hard workout day per week and keep it earlier in the week so you are recovered for the focus day of training on Friday (i.e. the LSD run).

Also, if you are running with us on the Sunday morning, switch your LSD (Long Slow Distance) run from the weekend to Sundays.

Please note that I always treat training schedules as guide lines. Check the total weekly distance total, frequency, types of suggested runs and rest days as a total for the week and move them around to suit your schedule. For example, if the schedule says that you should take a rest day before your LSD, take a rest day on the Thursday if you are running with us on Friday.

The Around The Bay web site also has a very good and detailed training program that can be found here.

LSD – Long Slow Distance – 70% sustained effort level
EZ – Easy – 60-70% effort level. AKA – recovery run
R – Rest – Just like it says, put your feet up and have an extra nap
XT – Cross Train – Swim, cycle, yoga, anything but running
R/XT – Your choice of rest or cross training

2020 Around The Bay 30 K – Training Schedule

Week 1 total = 26 Kilometres
Mon. Tues. Weds. Thur. Fri. Sat. Sun.
5k-EZ 7k-EZ R/XT 7k-EZ R 7k-EZ R/XT
Week 2 total = 27 Kilometres
Mon. Tues. Weds. Thur. Fri. Sat. Sun.
5k-EZ 7k-EZ R/XT 7k-EZ R 8k-EZ R/XT
Week 3 total = 33 Kilometres
Mon. Tues. Weds. Thur. Fri. Sat. Sun.
5k-EZ 8k-EZ R/XT 7k-EZ R 13k-LSD R/XT
Week 4 total = 25 Kilometres
Mon. Tues. Weds. Thur. Fri. Sat. Sun.
5k-EZ 5k-EZ R/XT 5k-EZ 5k-EZ 5k-EZ R/XT
Week 5 total = 38 Kilometres HARD
Mon. Tues. Weds. Thur. Fri. Sat. Sun.
5k-EZ 8k-EZ 5k-EZ 7k-EZ R 13k-LSD R/XT
Week 6 total = 42 Kilometres
Mon. Tues. Weds. Thur. Fri. Sat. Sun.
5k-EZ 8k-EZ 3k-EZ 10k-EZ R 16k-LSD R/XT
Week 7 total = 46 Kilometres
Mon. Tues. Weds. Thur. Fri. Sat. Sun.
5k-EZ 10k-EZ R/XT 7k-EZ 5k-EZ R 19k-LSD
Week 8 total = 37 Kilometres
Mon. Tues. Weds. Thur. Fri. Sat. Sun.
R 7k-EZ 7k-EZ R/XT 7k-EZ R 16k-LSD
Week 9 total = 47 Kilometres
Mon. Tues. Weds. Thur. Fri. Sat. Sun.
R/XT 7k-EZ 11k-EZ R 7k-EZ R 22k-LSD
Week 10 total = 49 Kilometres HARD
Mon. Tues. Weds. Thur. Fri. Sat. Sun.
R/XT R/XT 11k-EZ 5k-EZ 7k-EZ R 26k-LSD
Week 11 total = 38 Kilometres MEDIUM
Mon. Tues. Weds. Thur. Fri. Sat. Sun.
5k-EZ 13k-EZ R 7k-EZ R 13-LSD R
Week 12 total = 39 Kilometres
Mon. Tues. Weds. Thur. Fri. Sat. Sun.
5k-EZ 8k-EZ R 7k-EZ 5k-EZ 14k-LSD R
Week 13 total = 18 Kilometres (48 with race) EASY
Mon. Tues. Weds. Thur. Fri. Sat. Sun.
5k-EZ 5k-EZ R 5k-EZ 3k-EZ R 30k-RACE