Category Archives: Blog

Resolution Run 2019

Well, it’s been a while since I’ve posted to the site. It’s been a bit of a challenge with lung issues over the last two years. Basically, if you can’t breath properly, you can’t run either.

After a lot of doctor’s appointments and different medications, things seem to be on the improve. December 2018 was a month of firsts, 5 km then 8 km without stopping, then 10 km doing a run walk with a friend.

January 1, 2019 seemed like the perfect time to show up for the BRC’s Resolution Run on New Years Day. Not just me, but also Amanda. We did the 8 km route in just under an hour. It wasn’t speedy by any measurement, but was a firm step in the right direction for the coming year. Amanda’s smile in the picture above after our run seems to say it all.

Here’s to 2019, the year of the come back… I hope.

The Valley Inn Road Dilemma

Well, it looks like we won’t find out if we get to run the “Valley Inn” hill until just before the race.

CBC reported in December that due to work on the CN rail bridge, race organizers won’t know if the road will be open until a week or so before the race.

So much doing any training on Valley Inn Road hill this year.

Update: I’ve checked Valley Inn Road, so don’t even bother trying.  The whole hill is fenced off from the end of the bailey bridge at the bottom to the barricades at the top.  I guess we’ll all have to make do with just running all the Northshore hills over and over again.


Mark’s Observation

“If you hang out with crazy people, the insane starts to sound normal”

If you hang out with people that do drugs, or binge drink or hold up donut shops, then doing drugs, drinking heavily and armed robbery become normalized pretty quickly.

If you hang out with people that run marathons, complete Ironmans and volunteer at the local food bank, then being active, dedicated and compassionate become your normal too.

You become who you associate with.  Hang with the right crowd.

Happy New year – 2015

BRC Resolution Run 2015Annual BRC New Years Day Resolution Run group photo

I decided to start the year with the Burlington Runners and their New Years Day Resolution Run.

Yes, it was cold and windy. No Amanda didn’t join me. However, I still got out and put in 5 miles (8 km) along the Northshore hills, on the first day of the year.  Tomorrow, I get to do the same route again with the start of the Around The Bay group runs.

Starting my running year off with a streak.

Here’s an essay I wrote back in 2003 on New Year’s resolutions and change…
I Hereby Resolve