Learn 2 Run: Week 10

Run: 30-40 minutes non-stop
Walk: 1:00 (if you have to)

This week is graduation week.   This is the week you run 5 km without stopping.

I know you are nervous and don’t think you can.  If you’ve done the training and followed the program, even if your brain says you can’t, your will.

First off, start at a slower pace than you have been running.  The runners motto is, “Go slower to go further”.   Slow and steady will get you though the distance.  It should feel way too slow to start with, but remember that you will be running for a much longer time.

Once you can run at a sustained faster pace for 10 minutes, you can run complete 5 km at a slower pace.

The key is to start slow and maintain mental toughness.  Don’t give in to the voices that tell you that you can’t, that little whisper that says you’re not good enough.   It’s just a lie.  You’ve done the preparation, you have trained, you’ve put in the time.  You can do it.

If you can’t complete it this week, then repeat week 9 and try again. Keep trying until you do succeed.  You have the tools, just don’t give up on yourself.

On the coached graduation run, I see the following in my runners:

  • Before the run – I don’t know if I can do this.
  • 1 km – Ok, I’ve got this. I’ve settled in to my pace.
  • 2 km -This is tough, I hope I can do this.
  • 3 km – Oh-oh, I’m starting to slow down. My form is falling apart.
  • 4 km – I don’t think I can do this. I really don’t think I can. I need to walk.

Then something magical happens around 4 kilometres into the run.  All of a sudden the runner realizes that they can complete the distance.  Once they step across that threshold, suddenly, their form corrects, their heads come up, they start to speed up and generally that last kilometer is the fastest.   I find it fascinating that a new runner can go from the defeated to victor in as little as 50 metres.

I live for that moment when someone in my clinics goes from a wanna-be runner to a true athlete.

L2R Week 10 Workout

  • Warm Up: 3-5 minutes of brisk walking.
  • Interval Training: 30-40 minutes
    • Run: Non-stop
    • Walk: 0:00
    • Resist the urge to walk, slow down if you have to, but don’t give in.
    • Stay focused on your goal and don’t stop.
  • Cool Down: 3-5 minutes of brisk walking.
  • Stretch: 2 minutes
  • Celebrate!

Learn 2 Run: Basics
Learn 2 Run: Week 1
Learn 2 Run: Week 2
Learn 2 Run: Week 3
Learn 2 Run: Week 4
Learn 2 Run: Week 5
Learn 2 Run: Week 6
Learn 2 Run: Week 7
Learn 2 Run: Week 8
Learn 2 Run: Week 9
Learn 2 Run: Week 10